
2008 Map Competition / Entry Deadline: May 16, 2008

An Invitation to Mapmakers in the Northeast

The competition has been established both to honor mapmakers in the Northeast and to promote map making and best practices.

  • Best Design in Small Format Thematic Map
  • Best Design in Large Format Thematic Map
  • Best Animated/Interactive Map
  • Other (available to the judges for any entries that do not fit into the other three categories)

Each map will be judged based on:
  • The exhibition of professional design standards with respect to:

    • Typographic style and placement
    • Use of color
    • Design

  • Innovative and unique aspects, whether in data modeling, in the combination of data sets, or in mapping unmapped phenomena

Four maps per entry should be sent to Cynthia Dietz by the deadline, May 16, 2008 at 5pm, accompanied by a NEMO 2008 Map Competition Entry Form. Maps created for hard-copy publishing should be submitted on hard copy media. Please email Cynthia Dietz at cynthia.dietz@stonybrook.edu with questions regarding the competition.

Winning maps will be displayed on the NEMO website, and winners will receive awards presented at the NEMO Annual Meeting to be held in Chester, Vt. on June 5-6, 2008. The decision of the judges is final.

Map Judges

The judges include Michael Siegel of Rutgers University, Joe Stoll of Syracuse University, and Doug Williamson of Hunter College.

Entrants should complete the following information:

Title of Entry:

Description of design objectives, and special features of the map entry:


Name of entrant:



Office Phone:
Home Phone:

Please indicate with your entry that you understand that winning entries will be displayed
on the NEMO website. No entries will be returned.

Entrant signature:____________________________ Date:_____________________

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