
Panel: Metadata Creation and Import

6/07/07 Moderator: David Bertuca

Eric Glass: Columbia University

Spoke about Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) and the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). http://www.fdgc.gov/

  • FGDC was approved on 6/8/94
  • 2nd version of FGDC (FGDC-STD-001-1998) was approved in 1998
  • CSDGM identifies three purposes
    • Maintain an organization’s investment in geospatial data
    • Provide information to data clearinghouses and catalogs
    • Provide information needed to process and interpret data transferred from another organization
  • Eric’s position was started because of exponentially growing geospatial data at Columbia; they are in the process of creating a catalog with geospatial data and metadata
  • There are 7 major sections of the FGDC standard
    • With compound elements composed of other compound elements
    • Only federal agencies are required to follow the “mandatory if applicable” standard
    • Section 1: Identification Information (could pass as a short metadata record)
      • Includes: what’s in the dataset, dataset name, who created it, date, how it can be used
      • Columbia uses Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for place keywords (use any other keywords)
    • Section 2: Data Quality Information
      • Addresses issues of general quality of the dataset
      • Data providers should work this into the metadata
    • Section 3: Spatial Data Organization Information
    • Section 4: Spatial Reference
    • Section 5: Entity and Attribute Information
      • What information is included, how it is encoded
    • Section 6: Distribution Information
      • How can the data be obtained?
    • Section 7: Metadata Reference Information
      • How was it created?
  • FGDC metadata is extensible (extensions and profiles)
  • Columbia University Spatial Catalog (password protected)

Keith Jenkins: Cornell University

  • Spoke about metadata editors
  • Works with the Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR) as the GIS Librarian (used to be the Metadata Librarian)
  • Works with geospatial metadata in xml form
  • http://geology.usgs.gov/tools/metadata
    • CNS = Chew & Spit
      • Pre-parser for formal metadata (in FGDC standard)
      • Corrects the indentations (“use with care”)
    • MP = Metadata Parser (?)
      • Command-line program
      • Compiler for formal metadata
      • Checks the syntax against FGDC CSDGM
  • Oxygen, XMetaL (example of generic XML editors)
  • CUGIR uses Oxygen 8.1
  • Checks for a lot of things to make sure the data are correct
  • Has schema-aware capabilities and diff (shows differences)
  • Search and replace across multiple files
  • Color-code xml
  • Workflow
    • CNS (if starting with .txt file)
    • MP
    • Oxygen
    • MP (to double check)

John Scialdone: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)

  • Spoke about International Standardization Organization (ISO) metadata standards
  • He hasn’t dealt much with ISO standard, he is used to FGDC

ISO & TC (Technical Committee) 211 www.isotc211.org/

ISO 19115 (introduction in 2003) www.iso.org/

    • Putting together metadata content and relationships
    • Establishes metadata terminology and accessibility (22 core elements)
      • 7 mandatory elements
      • 15 conditional elements (if applicable, provide information)
  • ISO 19115-2
    • Extensions for imagery and gridded data
    • Is being drafted
  • ISO 19139
    • Schema, implementation derived from 19115 format
  • North American Metadata Profile (NAP)
    • U.S., Canada, Mexico
    • Each member nation can craft own profile of ISO 19115 with the requirement that it includes the 22 core elements
  • ISO 19115 has some similar fields as CSDGM (some do not match)
  • ArcCatalog 9.1 does not provide ISO fields for input
  • http://www.iso.org
  • http://www.isotc211.org
  • http://www.fao.org
  • www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home
  • INTA National Institute for Aerospace Technology http://www.crepad.rcanaria.es/metadata/en/index_en.htm

Edith Konopka: New Jersey Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Office of GIS (OGIS)

  • Spoke about metadata for raster mosaics
  • A raster mosaic with no metadata loses a lot of its quality
  • Raster view is made up of grids with values
    • Aerial photographs
    • Satellite images
    • Orthophotos
  • Typical files specify location of upper left corner, cell size, number of rows, number of columns, bit depth
  • List value for each cell
  • Large rasters usually stored by some data compression
  • With lossy JPEGS, if being re-compressed, original quality isn’t restored
  • Many raster datasets start out as unlocated images (scanned maps, aerial photos)
  • Georeference and orthorectify
  • Metadata needs to state whether image was geolocated and how it was done
  • Creating a mosaic (rasters can overlap or have gaps)
    • Metadata need to state how mosaic was created, what software was used, how overlaps and/or gaps where dealt with
  • Need cell registration to have images line up (raster matches grid of mosaics)
  • Raster pyramids allow for more efficient display
  • Follows 7 sections of FGDC-STD-001-1998
    • 1: crucial for catalogs
    • 2: detailed information from data producer
    • 3: elements differ from vector data
    • 5: applicable, but brief
  • May also want the Remote Sensing Extensions (FGDC-STD-012-2002)
    • Good if collection is large (hundreds of thousands of images)
  • 8 mandatory subsections of section 1 (out of 14 subsections)
  • Need thesaurus as ISO 19115 Topic Category
    • Good for GIS data catalogs and Geospatial One Stop harvesting
  • Some data should be repeated in section 1
  • Spatial Data Organization Information is brief for raster images, as is Entity Information
  • Resolution refers to cell size for raster images
  • More often than not, distributors of raster data are not those who created the data
  • Require complete info from mosaic creator.
  • Edith recommends: FGDC metadata workbook @

    http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/documents/workbook_0501_bmk.pdf and FGDC Metadata Quick Guide @ http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/documents/MetadataQuickGuide.pdf
John Callahan: University of Delaware

  • Spoke about metadata for map services
  • He runs the state of Delaware Clearinghouse
  • Received several FGDC cap grants
  • Data really need metadata
  • Delaware is using ESRI GIS Portal Toolkit (moving to 3.1)
  • Online form, upload xml file, use ArcCatalog to get metadata published (or edited)
  • FGDC CSDGM created before Web map services
  • ISO doesn’t address the issues
  • Need to know where map service is coming from, then change software needed to read it
  • Take .kmz files, change .kmz to .zip, then view all .kml files in Google Earth
  • Metadata is only metadata, a textual description of maps
  • Delaware (GPT v3) supports: ArcIMS, OGC WMS, WFS, WCS Services
    • Other services need to be documented as Document, Application, Geographic Service,
  • Geographic Activity
  • Required for all map services
    • Content type
    • Live Data & Maps
    • ESRI tags (they use ArcIMS)
  • No requirement on documenting individual layers or attributes consumed by service
  • Where is the future? There are lots of questions that need to be answered.

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